Short comparison of WeStopFear and conventional processes

Short comparison of  WeStopFear and conventional processes

Compare below the process steps you go through when doing the Simple Secure Steps process design of WeStopFear, and the conventional noise phobia therapy method.

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Gather your resources, get access to Step 1. Five Steps with audio files pre-set to correct volume: Ascending Loudness. No uncertainty with volume.


Get ready one audio CD disc and player, or one MP3 audio files set. Only one audio CD disc or set at one full volume level. Correct volume can be uncertain.

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Read the short Quick Focus instructions, customized for your pet type or horse.


Read the brochure, printed, downloaded, or online.

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Watch the intro video.


No video with audio CD.

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Large offering of additional instructions: Main instructions, Important details, Fear signs, Keep everyone happy, Scary event coming?, 6 factors of success, and audio device, MP3 sounds and CD discs instructions.


Instructions are of varied lengths for different therapy products. Some are comprehensive, others are limited.

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Text auto-translatable to any language.


Mostly only in English.

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Up to 184 therapy sounds and 329 counter conditioning sounds (in the Full Care Horses solution). The largest selection ever offered. 


Generally much fewer sounds. 37 sounds at most in dogs solutions, (and 45 sounds in one horse solution). 

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Set the volume on the playback device in a simple way, with Volume Anchor. Mistakes hardly possible.


Manual volume setting each time. Can be cumbersome and possible to make mistakes in volume setting.

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Access only to the right step at the right time, step by step. Timed Access, which is a security feature.


Full access to only one CD or MP3 files. Possibility of playing sounds too loudly, too early, which can lead to a shock and setback.

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Natural Intervals are silences, of various length, after each therapy sound. More natural, and also a more bearable process.


The sounds come right after another, like cars of a freight train, which is not natural, and can make the handler exhausted.

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Simple Secure Steps process design systematically developed for simpler and safer process, with supportive framework and safeguards.


Not really a developed system process design. Just one audio CD or one set of MP3 files with instructions, not much changed since 1950s.

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Solutions for ALL types of pets and horses, down to pet birds and rare exotic pets like dwarf hedgehogs. Includes lists of signs of fear for all types.


Most solutions previously have been for dogs, but there have also been solutions offered for cats, horses and small mammals, one for each.

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Location-customized playlists (in higher programs). Select your own custom playlist.


Only one set. Possible to copy MP3 files into folder for own playlist, but not CD.

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Reminder emails and encouragement, customized for each step and future, and customized for pet type or horse.


Manage your own process. No support framework for reminders or pepping.

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Possibility to submit suggestions, for on-going development and improvements implemented immediately.


No such option.

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Submit support request in support console if necessary (special upgrade).


No support.

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Counter conditioning and video therapy for fireworks and thunderstorms.


No counter conditioning files, no video therapy.

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Future Maintain Success stage with reminder and encouraging emails for the remainder of lifespan available.


No support framework for a future maintain success stage.

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A special designer brand DuFauna created in connection with the development, and wide range of WeStopFear merch.


Usually no merch available, perhaps some t-shirts, mugs and hats occasionally.

Choose your pet type or horse solution introduction:

Dogs, outdoor catsindoor cats, horses, pet birds, small mammals, exotic pets, various types of pets.

(Small mammals include rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters. Exotic pets include chinchilla, degu, fancy mice, fancy rats, fennec fox, ferret, gerbils, hedgehog, sugarglider and pot-bellied pig. Various types of pets are any pet types combination excluding horses.)

Programs recommended for types infographic

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