Try The 5 Step Audio Players

Below you can try the 5 steps therapy sounds audio players.

The sounds of the WeStopFear noise phobia therapy in the players below are pre-set at different volume levels, from very low in Step 1 to the full volume in Step 5. 

Before each playing session, you will set the volume level on the playback device you are using. You will use this volume setting on the particular device in a particular location, unchanged every time when you play the sounds, from the first step to Step 5.

Recommended: Audio playback device with volume scale

If you have an audio playback device which shows the volume setting through a number on a screen, or lines or levels by the volume button, then you only need to determine the right volume setting once, on that playback device in this location. Every time you do a therapy session, you will simply set the volume to the setting you found, and the therapy sound files are correctly pre-formatted in volume, from very low in Step 1 to full volume in Step 5.

This should make the process considerably easier and simpler and is a key component in the Simple Secure Steps therapy innovations.

If no scale or numbers, finding the volume needed each time

However, if there is no number or scale that shows the volume setting, then you would have to play the piano tune at the beginning of every session. It is however simpler to find the right setting using that method, than having to set the volume playing the sounds themselves, since monitoring and following what the volume level is through the whole process that can take weeks is probably confusing for many. Every time you simply play the piano tune to set the volume, and the sounds themselves of the step you are at are pre-set to the right volume.

Since you only have access to Step 1 in the beginning, there is practically no danger of “overexposure”, which means playing the sounds too loudly, too early. Overexposure can give your pet or horse a shock, that can be difficult and time consuming to heal back.

Set the volume on the playback device

First you need to find the right volume setting on the playback device you are using in a location, where you have decided that you will play the therapy sounds.

You play the piano tune to set the volume on the audio playback device you use. The volume of the piano tune should be so, that it is at a good and clear listening level. Not very low like soft dinner music at a restaurant, and not extremely loud like at a rock concert. Just a normal, clear and comfortable listening volume for the piano music.

Start at Step 1

Then you can try playing the sound samples in the order of the steps. You should start at Step 1 and then try the same sounds through the other steps. With that you hear how the sounds of the steps are pre-formatted in different audio volume levels.

Not with your pet or horse present

Do not do this test with your pet or horse present, as the volume of the last steps is so loud, that it may cause fear in itself and lead to a shock and setback. Your pet or horse is supposed to experience this beginning at the very low of Step 1.

Find the right volume setting

Below is the audio player with the piano tune.

The volume setting should be so that the piano music is at a good and clear  listening level, not very low like soft dinner music at a restaurant, not extremely loud like a rock concert

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Choose And Play Sounds In Step 1

After you have found the right volume setting on you audio device, pay the sound samples of Step 1 below, and then of the subsequent steps 2, 3, 4 and 5.


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Now you have tried the 5 Step therapy sounds audio players. Continue below:

About the sounds and steps

The sounds are 10 seconds long samples from the sounds in the programs. In the therapy pages of the member's area, you will find a player that plays all the sounds in random order, and then other players where you can select specific sounds to play and select sounds to create your own custom playlist. In the real therapy, the duration of the sounds is often 1-3 minutes, with some sounds around 30 seconds, and others around 10 minutes.

In the actual system, you only get access to the Step 1 in the beginning, and then to Step 2, to Step 3 and 4, and finally to Step 5. The progression through the steps is based on how frequently the handler does this process, and how soon the pet(s) or horse(s) get used to the sounds, so you can continue to the next step.

There is a minimum of a certain number of days that you must spend within a step, but there is no upper limit as to how long each step may take. That is based on the individual characteristics and tolerance-build-up of each pet or horse. There is no competition. Each individual has their own time in that. Being faster is neither better, or worse, it is simply not an issue.

The piano tune is Prelude in C Major by Johan Sebastian Bach, recorded specially for WeStopFear by a professional pianist.


Now you have tried the 5 steps of the audio players of the WeStopFear noise phobia therapy. You can continue and explore the solutions for your type of pet or horse, or explore the programs, or go back to the front page, in the links below.

You can also check out the experimental video therapy, if you are interested in letting your pet or horse get used to the visible stimuli of fireworks or lightning along with the sounds.

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